As indigenous people, our compromise and responsibility is to take care of the human beings and the world.
Our purpose is to recover the lands within the limits of the ancestral territory, the holy places, which are so important for mankind.
In the ancestral territory of the mountain we traditionaly had two different spaces: in the highlands where there is snow and lagunes, ceremonies were held and certain sacred places (energetic points) were worked on and in the lower lands we lived and farmed.
With the western worlds occupation of the territory throughout time we have been forced to move to the higher lands of the range and live there. We consider that this situation has unbalanced both our communities and the planets, generating unbalances, disharmonies and natural phenomena througout all the world. For this reason we are searching for the way to reclaim the low lands of the mountain range.
It has been many years that İ have been managing the recovery of lands throughout Europe. Talking of the importance of the lands at an energetic level and for cultivation in order to self-sustain the community.
With the help of people from Europe, we bought 1000 hectares of land and recovered primordial places in order to continue with or tasks and strengthen our principles. İt has been nearly 14 years and we have achıeved many things. That is what is important and we are thankful for this.
Read More – Recovering Lands (PDF)
The Black Line
The black line is the limit of the ancestral territory of the indigenous communities of the snowy mountain of Santa Marta at the north of Colombia. There 4 indigenous communities live: Arhuacos, Kogui, Wiwa and Kankuamo. We all have a mission and a vision. We all work to recover the lands within this limit, which are the sacred places of humanity. They are points of spiritual communications that work within a universal network without boundary.
From these sacred places, we are working, harmonizing & balancing the natural and human made phenomena. From this perspective we need the world to know and recognize our place.
Arhuaco People
The Arhuaco comunity is one of the 4 İndigenous Community (Arhuaco, Kogui, Wiwa & Kankuamo) that live to the north of the Colombian snowy mountain (Sierra Nevada) of Santa Marta. We descend from the Tayronas. They left us in this space, caring for and harmonizing the Earth and Humanity. We live in harmony with all natures beings: water, earth, fire, wind, the sun, humans and also animals and plants which are essence of the divine.
The primary prinicples that we teach our children and community are to live with, look after and harmonize. We believe that all people have the right to a piece of land to care and cultivate. We believe in equality.
Everyone takes part in the communities decisions. Even the young girls and boys. Our tradition is that of meeting, talking, thinking and deciding together; we always try to be connected. This is where our strength dwells and this is how we take and manage the conflicts that appear on or territory.
Read More – Arhuaco People (PDF)
The Mamos
The Mamos are people who have an energetic spiritual elevation. They are the spiritual leaders of the community that act as doctors, psychologists, priests and/or judges. Since a very early age they are tought to perceive the vıbration and energy of all natural beings.
This knowledge of the laws of nature has been nurtured for many generations and we do not want it to cease or be lost.